The Role Of Diamond Cut In Determining The Beauty Of The Diamond
The cut of a diamond refers to the diamond’s shape. Besides, it also includes features such as polish, symmetry, and proportions of the diamond. The beauty of the diamond is more dependent on its cut than any other factor. Diamond cut may be extremely difficult to quantify and analyze. Below is a discussion on the diamond cut and its importance in deciding the beauty of the diamonds that you can get from the best online diamond dealers.
It has three major effects over appearance:
This is made by the combination of the white light reflections coming from the surface of the diamond as well as the inside.
This is called the dispersion of light onto the visible range of the spectrum which can be observed as flashes of color.
This is the flashing of the diamond as light and dark when it is moved or when the light source is moved.
When a diamond is made out of rough stone, the cutter has to balance and optimize the cut to derive the maximum output. This means the diamond has to be cut in a way that retains as much carat weight from the rough stone as possible. Due to the possibility of getting higher pay for a larger and fairly cut diamond, the cutter is under pressure to give up appearance for the sake of weight. Therefore, it is important to follow the cut grade. It gives the purchasers a great idea of the stones and helps them to identify whether these stones were cut in a good way or not.
An intensely deep cut diamond will yield a large diamond which fetches the diamond cutter a greater benefit. A small diamond, on the other hand, may sell for a smaller amount than the larger diamond. However, it will demand a higher price per carat due to the better appearance of the same. It is also due to the lower yield from the rough stone, making it more expensive in production.
Diamond Cut Proportions
Diamond proportion is the relation between the shape, size, and the angle of facet of the diamond. A diamond could be made with a wide range of possibilities which decides its interaction with the light in the end.
When light is incident on a diamond, around 20% of it is reflected immediately in the form of glare. Out of the remaining 80% that enters the diamond, a proportion of it escapes through the bottom. In the case of a well-proportioned diamond, the facets are so arranged that the maximum amount of light is reflected back out of the crown of the diamond. This part is responsible for the scintillation, brilliance, and fire. If the diamond is cut in a shallow style, the light that enters strikes the pavilion facet at a low angle which passes through the facet, thereby escaping through the lower side of the diamond
Shallow Cut
Diamond Depth Percentage
Depth is the length between the table and the culet when the diamond is looked at from the side. The diamond depth is displayed in millimeters. The depth percentage is obtained by dividing the depth of the diamond by its width. Lower the depth percentage, the larger the appearance of the diamond for certain carat weight.
Diamond Table Percentage
The diamond table percentage is obtained by dividing the width of the table facet of the diamond by its width. Remember that the diamond should not be selected or eliminated by virtue of its depth percentage or table percentage. The overall cut grades take both these factors into account. Therefore, the cut grade should be the determinant to choose diamond even from the best diamond website.
Grading Diamond Cut
Considering all the factors of the diamond such as symmetry, polish, culet size, girdle width, angles, facet shapes etc is a difficult task even for professional gemologists. Note that all these factors have already been considered while determining a diamond’s cut grade. The diamond cut grade gives a single rating which includes the effect of all the factors mentioned above based on the diamond’s visual performance. Hence it is a vital tool while evaluating the diamond.
The Cut grade offers a primary evaluation of a diamond. Remember that you should consider the individual components of diamond cut such as symmetry, girdle width, culet size, depth percentage, table percentage, and polish should be considered. Although retailers usually make use of the diamond cut grades, the actual terms are not applied properly. In truth, the diamond seller may assign cut grades based on the cut grade of their choosing with regard to the factors they wish.
Overall, the cut is the most important factor that determines the appearance of the diamond. It impacts the three qualities namely scintillation, brilliance, and fire of the diamond that make it attractive in appearance and valuable.